Essay On Learning Style

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There are four dimensions of preferred learning style which is, active-reflective, sensing-intuitive, visual-verbal, and sequential-global. According to the results from online learning style assessment, I find my preferred learning style is more reflective compare to active because my intensity of reflective is 5. Usually, when I have an assignment, I rather think it through first and then try to understand the outline by myself. On the other hand, active learner tend to retain and understand information by doing some active with it, for example, in this case active learner tend to like have discussion with others and then start do the task. As a reflective learner, I always think it through first when I get a task. For example, when I was …show more content…

I explained my learning styles to my dad by video chat, and he said most of the result was very accurate. He told me when I was a kid, I always choose to read a book that has a lot of images in it instead of those verbal contents. And he said that l used to like drawing and I spend so much time on it. And that make me think why I am so bad at drawing right now. Moreover, he told me that I always think about the questions first instead of doing it first, he said especially when I solving a math questions in grade 6, I always sit there and just read the questions again and again, never put up my hand and try to solve it. This really explained why I am a reflective learn and also a visual learner. Besides that, my dad told me I was pretty neutral for sensing and sequential. And it really depends on what kind of situations that I face will make me a sequential leaner and global learner, however, I found myself is pretty sequential when I need to solve a math problems, I just cannot see the answer unless I solve it step by step. Overall, the learning style result is really accurate from both my dad and myself …show more content…

Do you think the results of the self-assessment are an accurate description of your preferences? Explain. Include your own examples

I do think the results of the self-assessment are an accurate description of my preferences. However, before I did the learning style task, I have no idea about myself either being so visual or reflective. For example, as a management student, I have many group presentations and group works throughout a term, so that all the group members need to sit together and work together, and I find is really stressful when someone is nearby me, I just cannot focus and I feel uncomfortable to work with others. It really explained I am a reflective learner because I rather study alone instead of study with others.
4. First of all, I realize that if I want to be successful either in short-term or long-term period, I need to learn how to work with others, corporate with others. As a management student, group presentation is one of major thing that we need to do during the school term, therefore, if I want to get a higher mark or improve my personal ability on working with others, I need to improve my skills on corporate, because no one can success without any

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