Essay On Leadership Styles And Theories

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Leadership Styles and Theories: How They Determine a Manager 's Success There are many qualities and factors that contribute to how a manager is able to effectively lead their employees. One of these factors is the manager 's leadership style. A leadership style is the way a manager goes about providing direction, executing plans, and encouraging employees. There are four main styles of leadership, autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, and paternalistic, and while they are widely agreed upon there are also theories about which styles are most effective. Autocratic leaders possess total control of all of the decisions and rarely take input from their employees. It is a totalitarian form of management. In the past autocratic leadership was …show more content…

The Path-Goal Theory is a leadership style theory that was created by Robert House. According to this theory managers need to offer assistance and motivation to their employees in order to assist them in achieving their goals. This can be achieved by rewarding employees when they reach their goals, removing obstacles in employees ' path that can keep them from reaching their goals, and providing support. House thought that to do this a leader must be achievement oriented, supportive, and value-based, and also be able to provide path-goal clarity, work facilitation, interaction facilitation, group decision making, and representation and networking. The Path-Goal Theory exercises both the democratic and autocratic styles of leadership. Managers following this theory let employees participate in decision making and look to their staff for ways to help them improve and achieve goals. House theorized that an employee 's locus of control affects how they prefer to be led by their manager. A locus of control is a measure of how much a person believes that they control their fate through their own efforts. There are two locusts of control: internal and external. A person with an internal locus of control believes that they control their own destiny and a person with and external locus of control believes that outside forces control their destiny (Kinicki 340). The Path-Goal Theory states that employees with an internal locus of control prefer achievement-oriented leaders and that decisions are made in a group setting because it would allow them to have more control. The theory also states that employees with an external locus of control prefer the structure of a supportive and directive leader (Kinicki 458). House believed that a leader should determine their

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