Essay On Latino Immigration

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Some countries of Latin America such as Venezuela, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Panama have been experienced economic problems the past years. Since there is no way to solve that problems, people have to migrate to another country such as the US because they are looking for a better life. They pick the United States because it is one of the most stable, well organized and safe country in the world. For those reason Latinos decided to move to the US, however, moving to the US is not an easy decision to make because Americans are not familiar with Latino immigrants due to problems that they have been had with Mexicans, so Americans established many rules that make immigrants get in troubles if they do something stupid when they try to enter in …show more content…

Vaquera Vasquez uses the quote “People, some like my father, who crossed the border illegally in search of a better life. Some stayed, others come back, and a few are missing” (Vaquera Vasquez #2). In this quote the author is showing to immigrants what is the reality when immigrants are crossing the border. Some immigrants can survive the experience arriving to the US and starting a new life. Others immigrants come back to their home country because they cannot support that adventure and they give up. However, there are other immigrants who do not have the same luck that others have, and they are caught or murdered by the border patrol. That is why Latinos have to be honored because taking the risk of leaving their home country to find something better in the US is something that not all the immigrants can …show more content…

Is not easy to leave your country and go to a different place looking for something better for your family or your future. It is what I think about this because I am Latina, and I know how hard was the situation for me when I got to the US, even though I did not cross the border like other immigrants, but I considered that it is hard too. The first time I work in the US was in a nightclub. I was working there because I wanted to earn my own money to understand how hard is to make your own money. Working at that place was a nightmare for me, especially when the people who went to that nightclub knew that I was Latina. They humiliated me doing disgusting acts, and treating me as a criminal because I was a waitress. After this experience I understand how hard is the scenario for the Latinos who come to the US hoping to change their life. As a recommendation, Latinos have to be proud representing their home country in the US because there is nothing that can affect us after all the racism and humiliation that we have to confront in this

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