Essay On King Tutankhamun's Death

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The Mystery of King Tutankhamun’s Death.

King Tutankhamun ruled Egypt during 18th Dynasty Egypt from around the age of 9, taking over after his father’s death. His reign ended short when he died at around the age of 19 at circa 1323 B.C.E. The mystery behind his death still continues to greatly interest historians.

Tutankhamun went from almost unknown to one of the most famous pharaohs of Ancient Egypt when his tomb was discovered in 1922. British archaeologist Howard Carter and his sponsor Lord Carnarvon was responsible for this discovery. In the last chamber of King Tutankhamun’s tomb lay a sarcophagus with three coffins nested inside one another. The last coffin which was made of solid gold, contained the mummy of the boy king. Buried with him were around 5000 valuable items which were catalogued and displayed in an exhibition called “Treasures of Tutankhamun.” These items included jewellery, statues,
However, Professor Albert Zink, head of the Institute for Mummies and Icemen in Italy said, “It was important to look at his ability to ride on a chariot and we concluded it would not be possible for him, especially with his partially clubbed foot, as he was unable to stand unaided.” Therefore, Tutankhamun wouldn’t have been able to ride a chariot in the first place but perhaps he could’ve been run over by one?

Dr. Chris Naunton of the Egypt Exploration Society led a team of scientists from Cranfield Forensic Institute. Their team used x-ray and CT data of Tutankhamun’s body to perform a virtual autopsy of the body. The autopsy showed a distinct pattern of injuries on one side of Tutankhamun’s body. Car crash investigators then used computer simulations to put together the most likely chariot crash scenario that killed him. The results showed that the most likely scenario was that he was crushed by a chariot on one side of the body while on his knees. The impact would’ve shattered his ribs, heart and

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