Essay On Japanese Art

600 Words2 Pages

Art in Japan and art in the United States have their similarities and their differences, while also being viewed in different ways. Every work of art is unique in its own way. There are many different types of art, but each work of art has its own meaning. Depending on the eye of the beholder, a work of art can relate to you in many ways, and can be taken apart like a puzzle in your mind to understand the deeper aspect of it, while also deciphering its message. Others may not relate to the work, may only see the basic picture, and not understand the point or meaning of it. The same work of art can get opposite reactions, which shows that people have different ways of seeing the world that they live in.

I have always been an artist ever since …show more content…

I have figured out for myself that the world is more than just what you see, it's the meaning behind what you see that reveals the full picture. When I realized this, I started to explore outside my boundaries, and tried to decipher the meanings of other things I hadn't seen before. While I did this, I also tried to relate those things to my culture, and what I am familiar with. This is what I did with Japanese art. I figured out what each symbol in the pictures meant, then put all of those meanings together to understand the meaning of the artworks themselves. When I found the meanings of the art, I related it to the art in the United States. A Japanese portrait of a person is the same as an American portrait, except that the people used in the pictures are different. With chrysanthemums actually being the national flower of Japan, the cherry blossom is one of the main symbols that represents Japan. This is why a lot of Japanese paintings have cherry blossom trees in them. There are also a lot of architectural buildings within the paintings. This is the same with bold eagles (national bird) and roses (national flower), which both represent the United States. They can be found in many American

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