Essay On Informal Hearing

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Formal Hearings are required for drivers whose privileges have been suspended or revoked for an offense involving a fatality or for anyone who has had multiple DUI dispositions.

Informal Hearings are required for practically all other types of suspensions or revocations resulting from offenses that do not involve a fatality, a single DUI disposition or for people with poor driving records.

So, what is the difference in the type of Hearing?

Well, the names of the hearings kind of explain it all. Formal Hearings are more formal than Informal Hearings. At a Formal Hearing, there is a Formal Hearing Officer and the Secretary of State has a representative that serves in a capacity similar to that of a prosecutor. Formal Hearings must be scheduled with a $50 non-refundable fee, are recorded and are simply more complicated than Informal Hearings. Going into a Formal Hearing without legal representation can be very overwhelming. You are not required to have a lawyer, but we can assure you that having the right lawyer will …show more content…

While the website if very helpful, the entire process can be intimidating and confusing. Some people will need BAIDD machines and others will not. Some people will have a BAIID machine for 1 year and others will be required to have it for 5 years. For that matter, other people might be required to have the BAIID machine forever and other Petitioners will never be required to have a BAIID machine. Some forms are required for certain Petitioners that other Petitioners are not required to have. Over the past 20 years, we have represented thousands of Petitioners and know exactly what the Secretary of State requires. If you have any doubts, call us. We know the rules, laws and more importantly… We know the system

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