Essay On Imagination And Imagination

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Imagine you were walking alone in the woods and you hear a noise in the bush right next to you, what do you do? Do you run? Or do you stay and fight? Well if you decided to stay you realized the noise was made by the wind. But If you decided to run you might never know what that sound was noise was. Possibly leading you to later think of this memory later but with different results of what would happen if you stayed. This is a demonstration of when you imagination overcomes reason. Imagination means the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses. Reason means a cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event. Imagination overcomes reason means when is it that you fear controls you. But when does imagination overcome reason? Imagination can overcome reason when you are in a scary situation. We will be hearing about how Invasion of privacy, the truth in Science, the fear in a life or death Situation, and Fear of the dark. In a situation where you let a stranger invade your privacy is a situation where you …show more content…

The short story “Where is here” by Joyce Carol Oates is a person who comes to the house saying that he used to live there and he would be very grateful if they let him look around the house so the dad lets him. Then the man starts acting creepy and it makes the mom uneasy so they throw the stranger out of the house. “‘He could be anyone, after all. Any kind of thief, or mentally disturbed person, or even murderer.’” In this, the mom is asking the father why he let this stranger in when he could be anyone or even

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