Essay On Human Trafficking

527 Words2 Pages

Ram LLaguno
Mrs. Delisi/Ms. Moskowitz
English III CP
13 January 2014

Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking is the fastest criminal industry in today’s world, coming second after illegal drug trade. Up to 600,000 to 800,000 men, women and children are trafficked across national borders. This not account the numbers that are trafficked from other countries. This illegal trade of human beings are for forced labor or for exploitation. Exploitation referring to the use of others for prostitution or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery, or the removal of organs. Woman and young children living in poverty are the ones who usually fall in the trap of the traffickers. As a society we need to stand up and fight against the traffickers. Human Trafficking needs to be brought to the attention of everyone, we need to implement a plan to stop trafficking of humans, and provide help for people who have been trafficked.

To begin, Human trafficking looks casual to observers and even to police, but it is dark and painful underneath. Almost no one does or care anythin...

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