Essay On Helping

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Helping is a social behavior that is important in maintaining a civil society. There are many variables related to why some people help while others do not. Gender is one of them that have been previously examined. Helping someone is providing your best strength in accomplishing a task that can be beneficial to the person. When requesting help from someone most of the time we take the gender into consideration. Based on research by Eagle and Crowley (1986), men are generally more likely to be helpful than women. In an emergency situation where someone preferably a women has a flat tire, a man is most likely to pull over to the side of the road and help (Eagle & Crowley, 1986). Women are most likely to help family and friends then they are to help a stranger (Eagle & Crowley). When a woman needs help with an emotional situation she is more likely to be …show more content…

Such as a customer in a store and they are told all the discounts and are persuaded into buying something, then when they get to the cash register they are told all the positive reasons as to why they should open it such as deals, credit approval, and boast credit score. The customer then opens the cards not thinking of the consequences that follow. The Foot in the door phenomenon refers to a technique based on getting a person to do a large favor by starting out with a smaller favor (Freedman and Frazier, 1966). The research participants were randomly assigned housewives whom were asked to agree on answering a few simple questions about the soap they are using in their house. Later on the participants were asked to comply with a large request such as entering the housewives home and categorize the products that are in the house (Freedman & Frazier). According to the results it turned out that the housewives that didn’t agree to do the small request were more likely to not agree to the larger request either (Freedman &

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