Essay On Health Discrimination

820 Words2 Pages

The weak, the poor, and the less fortunate in the society have been defending their race against health discrimination struggles for many years, but in reality, what really are health discriminations and what causes these ideas to be existing in our communities and society? Discrimination is a social behavior where people are intimidated by others who are in power (Paradies, 2006), and therefore it is anti-social. The racial groups which resulted to discrimination as we know were definitely created before the development of viable scientific explanations about genetics, and have therefore not represented any biological distinctiveness.
Discrimination categorization has always been based in racism, and within the modern societies, the powerful people have always been on top, poor and weak ones at the bottom and other intermediated groups which lie between weak or poor and the powerful ones scattered in between. Discrimination is portrayed through the idea that inferiority is used to justify unequal treatment, or discrimination of members of groups defined as inferior by specific people and institutions within the society. Understandings of racial inequalities in the health care system because the ideology of inferiority
Gee (2002) gives another helpful definition of discrimination as a condition that involves harmful and degrading beliefs and activities which are expressed and implemented by both institutions and the community. This framework of discrimination means that it is not only individual who can be discriminants but communal institutions as well.
Healthcare is an area in which people who are in power demonstrate discrimination and the victims have suffered the detrimental health effects and consequences of this maltr...

... middle of paper ... and pneumonia are acute Diseases, they differ from chronic diseases, the likes of high blood pressure which have symptoms that are not recognizable, since they have large behavioral characteristic and are also long term in development (Williams & Jackson, 2005).
Chronic diseases have more differences between the poor and the rich because it needs more and very powerful antibiotics or fluids to treat such diseases. To control or prevent such chronic ailments, it is important to visit highly qualified doctors in order to give preventative medical precautions and tests, and the effective ways to get such health care, which poor people in the society are less likely to receive (Williams & Jackson, 2005).
According to Williams and Jackson, (2005) social empowerment, and knowledge resources are required to eradicate all these discriminations of health and diseases.

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