Essay On Freedom And Freedom

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Sandel says that there are three ways of looking at justice: maximizing welfare, respecting freedoms, and promoting virtue (6). Each one of these idea leads to a different way of looking at life and thinking about justice. The first idea of maximizing welfare is a Utilitarian view and according to Jeremy Bentham, maximizing welfare means maximizing whatever produces the greatest amount of pleasure and happiness in one’s life, and avoiding whatever brings pain and suffering(+). The second idea is about respecting freedoms, which is a Libertarian view, and the claim of this idea is that every single person has a right to individual liberty, and every person should be able to do whatever they want with themselves and their belongings, as …show more content…

People don’t want to to live under the rule of another being and that’s why they will always fight for freedom. Through history there has been much backlash from the people that don’t receive the freedom they think they deserve. Whether it be invasions by other countries, or a problematic corrupt and unfair government, people will always aim to push back and gain their freedom. With this hard earned freedom then comes progress; without freedom there is no progress is a society. That is why today we see so many nations with little freedom that are completely falling apart, because they can not push forward and progress to build their society …show more content…

This yearning to fight for freedom certainly has it problems. For all the societies that fought back and earned their freedom and made much progress, there are many societies that have taken a turn for the worst while in the pursuit of freedom. Some places the rule is just so heavy it is hard for the people to fight back and this lead to many problems. Warfare can erupt, destroying the nation’s land, structure, and resources as well as killing many of the citizens many of them innocent people. People can be left with nothing and have nowhere to go, just like we are seeing today with the Syrian refugees. Furthermore, if the fight for freedom is lost, the controlling force will strike down even harder on its people and make the nation an even worse place to live in, with even less freedoms than before. Human life needs freedom, but it can easily be taken

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