Essay On Food In Elizabethan Times

573 Words2 Pages

The Elizabethan Times
From Elizabethan times to the modern ages there is a big gap from now

because the culture have changed, the food has changed, the accents have

changed the technology has changed and also the traditional acts has

changed like for example how we don't execute criminals in front of

people we do it in a room far from people's eyes and some we don't

tell.From 1558 to 2016 was a tremendous space and different

acts,beliefs,and society.

Now in 2016 women are allowed to vote,learn education,can own land or

business everyone is equal now and back in 1558 women just stayed home

working and had no education and also the food now we have shelter for

the unweathly one, you eat the same as rich and …show more content…

The food that we have now is

better, more healthier and more nutrients, but there some places that

make you unhealthy, but you can choose between what healthy and

unhealthy and i think healthy need to be more forced but it's what you want in your life. Now we have a freezer to freeze the meat to eat it later not put salt on it

and add spices to hide it away in the taste which Is great I think to freeze

the meat and not to add the salt onto it.The last say I have is that the food

now is better than before which i think everyone will agree.

If i was to back in time to see the food i would not like it because i used to

the food i eat here in the modern time and it would taste weird to to me

and maybe uncertain to others, they made food different there and we

made food different also and that's a big change to people that like the

same food that they eat,when they eat food they need to put salt on to the

food to keep it fresh when they did not have freezers and then they

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