Essay On Firewall

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A firewall refers to device that blocks certain type of information between trusted and untrusted networks. A firewall as the name suggests it behaves like a wall from unsafe environment. It controls all incoming and outgoing traffic in a network. There are different types of firewall depending on where they are used:- 1) Application Layer Firewall 2) Network Layer or Packet filtering firewall Packet-filtering Packet filtering is the lowest level or layer in the hierarchy of the network processes. It is known as the internet layer or the network layer. The data like web pages, emails, downloads, which are of different sizes are divided into small size packets for transmission and then at the receiving end it is reassembled. Data travels in small sized packets through internet for easy handling. Packets are a series of digital numbers which conveys the details as follows: • The request, command, or data from the sources originating • The source IP address and port number • The destination IP address and port number • Set of rules known as protocols by which packet is to be handled • Error checking information Protocol and address information and IP address of a packet is verified by the packet filtering and if it is verified then it is received otherwise it is rejected. Firewall filters will only check for the IP address and it will not verify the data of the packet. Packet filter types: • State full firewall • Stateless firewall Application-layer Firewall Application layer firewall also known as layer 7 firewall functions based on the content of the data. The application layer firewalls acts on behalf of client (aka proxy) for the requested server. These firewalls run on hosts preventing no direct traffic between the ne... ... middle of paper ... ...llow the network traffic from secured networks. And Firewalls will also detect and block any intrusion attempts preventing any damage to the network. 2 (b) Why should ISPs ban outbound port scanning by their customers? As Port scanner software provides the information about the open ports in any network, hackers can use it to enter into a system through the open port. Therefore, now-a-days, most of the internet service providers are not supporting these techniques to protect their data from being hacked. Hackers are using this technique to block many sites which are interrupting the functions of organization. It is found that most of the warms (malware, Trojans, and viruses) are introduced into the network with the help port scanner technique. In striving hard to protect company’s information, organizations are restricting the port scanning by their customers.

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