Essay On Fibula And Tibia

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The fibula is a leg bone located on the lateral side of the tibia, with which it is connected above and below. It is the smaller of the two bones, and the slenderest of all the long bones, and plays a significant role in stabilizing the ankle and supporting the muscles of the lower leg. The fibula is the smaller, non-weight bearing, of the two bones in the lower leg, while the tibia is the larger, weight bearing bone. The fibula and tibia moves very little relative to each other and the joints that it forms contribute significantly to the function of the lower leg. The joint it forms permit the fibula to adjust its position relative to the tibia, increasing the range of motion of the ankle. Fibular fractures are not often a severe injury, because the bone is supports only about 17% of the body weight. …show more content…

Fibular fractures may be complete or incomplete fractures. Fibula fractures may occur anywhere along the bone. The fracture we are trying to fixate is a complete fracture. Fractures occur when a force is placed on the bone that is greater than it can withstand, and when a fracture does occur in the fibula, it’s usually at the same time as the tibia. When only the fibula fractures, it is usually because of a direct blow to the side of the leg or an extreme sideways bend at the ankle or knee. Some other common causes of fibular fracture include, direct hit from doing contact sports such as hockey or lacrosse, stress fracture; weakening of the bone from repeated stress, or indirect injury, caused by twisting, turning quickly, or violent muscle contraction. Tripping, falling or impact during an accident are also major causes of fibular

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