Essay On Emoji

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Emoji [ideograph; graphic symbol] Emojis have been around way before ‘emoji’ even became a word. An emoji is an ideograph, a graphic symbol. Daily you encounter ideographs that convey a specific meaning without using words. Street signs, logos, and hieroglyphics are ideographs, and so are mathematical symbols. Assignment Objective: You will create their own graphic character that represents a word or phrase without indicating its pronunciation. Vocabulary: An ideograph or ideogram is a graphic character that indicates the meaning of a thing without indicating the sounds used to say it. Grading: This assignment is worth 100 points. - 25% of your grade will cover the final draft - how carefully and thoroughly all final …show more content…

Black is included in the color count. White is not included in the color count. Solid coloring only, no shading or gradation of color. - Artist’s choice on paper selection and coloring medium however oil pastels are not recommended. Final draft MUST INCLUDE: - No words in the emoji art/design. Write your chosen character trait on the back of your paper, next to your name. --------------------------------------------------------- Finished emoji SIZE & SHAPE: - Your emoji should be no less than 6 inches x 6 inches. - The emoji does not have to be circle in shape, it can be any shape, or multiple shapes. The emoji does not have to be a face, it can be any object or design. Finished emoji COLOR & APPLICATION: - No more than three colors. Black is included in the color count. White is not included in the color count. - Solid coloring only, no shading or gradation of color. - Artist’s choice on paper selection and coloring medium however oil pastels are not recommended. Finished emoji MUST INCLUDE: - No words in the emoji art/design. Write your chosen character trait on the back of your paper, next to your …show more content…

- Responsibility (opposite: unreliability) Knowing and doing what both God and others are expecting from me (Romans 14:12) - Reverence (opposite: disrespect) Awareness of how God is working through the people and events in my life to produce the character of Christ in me (Proverbs 23:17–18) - Security (opposite: anxiety) Structuring my life around that which is eternal and cannot be destroyed or taken away (John 6:27) - Self-Control (opposite: self-indulgence) Instant obedience to the initial promptings of God’s Spirit (Galatians 5:24–25) - Sensitivity (opposite: callousness) Exercising my senses so I can perceive the true spirit and emotions of those around me (Romans 12:15) - Sincerity (opposite: hypocrisy) Eagerness to do what is right with transparent motives (I Peter 1:22) - Thoroughness (opposite: incompleteness) Knowing what factors will diminish the effectiveness of my work or words if neglected (Proverbs 18:15) - Thriftiness (opposite: extravagance) Not letting myself or others spend that which is not necessary (Luke 16:11) - Tolerance (opposite: prejudice) Acceptance of others as unique expressions of specific character qualities in varying degrees of maturity (Philippians 2:2) - Truthfulness (opposite:

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