Essay On Emily Dickinson

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Throughout Emily Dickinson’s works, an audience can easily see her feministic views as well as her thoughts about democracy that also relate to other well-known authors. Her analytic and important contributions to poetry have brought a lot of controversy in the pass but mainly influences to 20th century American history. Dickinson has logical and at the same time genius ideas. Her well known themes are related to death, nature, success, grief, faith and religion, and the idea of freedom through her poetry. Emily Dickinson is known for the intensity in her works and focused brilliantly on each subject she wrote about. Emily Dickinson was compared to Walt Whitman’s similar themes in Leaves of Grass. If the audience were inspired by Whitman’s poems, they will surely be the same with Dickson’s works. There is a similarity in emotion and style and themes like, nature, love, democracy, everyday life experiences freedom and women. Therefore, both authors can relate by the similar themes. She was also questioned and have been contextualized that what an audience knows about her life is more important that her works. She seemed to over think about her ideas of politics and responds to the Civil War frequently. Others may even think her feministic view were not even related to politics at all because she did not act on any women’s equality or marches throughout her life as most feminists would do. Sanford Pinkser of the Virginia Quarterly Review explained that she was in fact a feminist. Emily Dickinson was well educated and never married. Depending on how an audience reads her poem, she questioned women’s inferiority and religions. Dickinson typically wrote in short lines, containing slant rhyme, with no proper punctua... ... middle of paper ... her audience. It prevented her true colors to show through her works. Emily Dickinson says “This they cannot limit, no matter how they try, for poetry is limitless, I dwell in possibility.” In conclusion, she did not like the fact that she did not have the freedom to write her poems in which ever gender she wanted. Society was not accepting that most of her speakers would be female and for that she was looked down upon as a feminist especially by her father in particular. Dickinson was criticized with homosexuality in her life and could be inspired in her writings. Most importantly, feministic views can easily be pointed out in Dickinson’s poems. There were a few controversies in which Dickinson was known as a woman and a poet, never both. It was necessary that those ideas should be conjoined. Never the less, she was known as exceptional and powerful.

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