Essay On Effects Of Stress

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Stress is the body’s natural response to a factor or situation that can affect a person in a negative way. These effects can be physical, emotional or psychological. In some cases stress is good in small amounts as it provides motivation to a person and makes them more productive. However, too much stress can be very harmful to any person. Stress in general has the capability of getting in the way of a person’s everyday life and causing some kind of psychological damage. Most of time people only assume that stress can only affect adults mostly because adults are the only ones who really speak up on the issue of being stressed. But recent studies have shown that stress can have an effect on children as well according to Live Science magazine. Ann E. LaForge, author of Tantrums: Secrets to Calming the Storm answers questions …show more content…

Many children are now starting to feel the pressures of our society and are beginning to show higher signs of stress and anxiety. With the pressures from the TV and media to look and dress and live a certain way not everyone is able to live like this. One way that we can begin to deal or help these “overly stressed” children is to try to reach out to them. Whether you are Guidance counselor, teachers often have more contact with students each week than parents do. Generally children spend more time at school throughout the week than at home. Therefore the most logical place to begin de-stressing a child is in school. Children of all ages process their emotions through playing. They need many opportunities to “play out” their worries and concerns. For younger children this may be done through pretend play and outdoor activities while older children may choose to express themselves through avenues such as art and music. No matter what their age, let them know that you want to hear what they have to say and that you will do your best to help them through this

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