Essay On Effects Of Compassion

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Compassion is a valued trait that not many people in today’s world use as much as it should be. Across the globe, one can see how there is a lack of compassion and due to this shortage, we can see much more hate in the world. Compassion is usually blocked out by other factors such as racism, hatred, violence, and much more to name. Lack of such a basic human emotion can lead to problems across the globe as well in our lives. Not only does this affect nearly everyone, it also creates a snowball effect of hatred and bad intent. When someone falls on the ground due to them tripping you expect someone to simply approach them and aid them. When someone is in a horrible situation in their lives you expect some of their friends to help them and be there for them. There are a plethora of times where compassion must be used to aid others in dark times …show more content…

One of the major effects that could emerge is that Sebastian may think he has no right to feel bad for losing his girlfriend. This could go on to lead Sebastian into depression because he could have taken Max’s advice to heart and continue to feel bad for things that might be seen as insignificant by others and this would just continue to snowball into worse situations. Other smaller effects may have been able to emerge from Max lacking compassion, such as Sebastian simply cutting Max from his group of friends. This consequence may be small, simple, and of little value but just as anything that occurs in life, it could develop into a much worse situation. Perhaps Max is extremely offended by being cut off from Sebastian and may seek to face him about it in a uncivil manner due to Max always being treated wrongly in his childhood. Another small effect that could occur is that Sebastian simply chooses to never speak to max about his problems in his life and may seek someone else's assistance in coping with certain

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