Essay On Design Change

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A design change is the amendment made to the product . It can occur at any stage of product development.

Design changes that occur early in the design process are less expensive compared to those taking place after being introduced in large scale production . The cost of modification increases with increasing development time and is exponential. Fundamentally, design changes can be classified into pre production and post production design changes. Changes in pre -production may occur in the conceptual design phase , prototype phase , detailing stage , testing stage. The post production phase change will happen almost immediately the product is brought into production. This may be due to several reasons, such as market response, discovering design flaws , design flaws that do not meet customer requirements , so on and so on. One of the tools to minimize this type of design change is House of Quality .

As product is developed over a long period of time the new technology becomes available. This leads to changes in the way the product looks , efficiency and convenience to potential clients . Designers are always looking for modern technology that can be applied to the products they design. This helps them stay ahead of their competitors.

A setting in one or more of the characteristics of the product. It is more likely to be employed in the mature stage of the product life cycle to give a brand a competitive advantage. Product line extensions represent new sizes , flavors, or packaging . This approach of altering a product mix means less risk of developing a new product.

There are three ways to modify the product, ie , changes in quality , functional changes and changes in style .
( 1) Changes in quality
These are changes that ...

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...s around where you can light up, even at private parties where the host is a nonsmoker.
Also, traditional cigarettes can have impacts on your social life, literally. Take dating for an example - it’s pretty rare for a nonsmoker to be with a smoker. Also, smoking can also impact job prospects since more employers are taking a more critical eye toward traditional cigarettes.
As you can see, e-cigarettes and electronic smoking carry many benefits over traditional smoking. Many have discovered how they can still enjoy smoking and get the nicotine they crave without using methods that are increasingly seen as intrusive and irresponsible.
E-cigarettes from Ever smoke provide this alternative in a cost-effective, easy way. If you’re searching for that alternative, consider trying an individual e-cigarette or take a look at our selection of e-cigarette starter kits today.

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