Essay On Democracy Is The Worst Form Of Government

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2. Democracy is the worst form of government. Critically discuss this statement.
To live in a community all people must submit themselves to rules of conduct accepted and obeyed by all the members of a certain community. This has therefore led to the development and establishment of laws and regulations to ensure that these rules are obeyed. The word “democracy” is used to refer to various systems of government, which are said to be based on majority rule, rule by many in contrast to rule by one. Democracy is the system of government in which the ruling power of a state is legally vested, not in any particular population, group or class, but rather in the people. The word democracy comes from the Greek words demos meaning the people and kratos meaning authority. ” Democracy. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.” Democracy can also be a political system in which the power lies in a number of citizens of a country who can elect people to represent them. But what happens, when the masses are unaware of the political issues in our society or country? This then results in people making the wrong decisions and choices during the election period. That is why the aim of this essay is to critically discuss whether democracy is really the worst form of government or not.
Types of democracy
There are two main types of democracy which are direct and indirect/representative.
Direct Democracy
It is a type of democracy in which people vote on policy decisions directly. This is different from representative democracy where people vote for representatives who then vote on initiatives. Depending on what type of system is in use, it includes making laws, dismissing or electing officials and the conducting of trials. Today h...

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...und goals and ideas of a regime. An autocracy is a system of government in which a political power is concentrated in the hands of one person whose decisions are not subject to legal restraints or any form of control. “Authoritarianism. (2014, May 2). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 18:36, May 4, 2014”
Totalitarianism is a system of government in which people have little or no authority and the state holds absolute control. It is different from authoritarianism as it holds total authority over the society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life on a daily basis. A totalitarian government attempts to control mostly all aspects of social life, this includes education, art, the economy, science and morals of citizens. “Totalitarianism. (2014, April 29). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 18:29, May 4, 2014”

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