Essay On David Hume

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David Hume
David Hume was a philosopher and historian who born in Edinburgh in 1711-1776. David Hume made great impact around the time he was living. According to Matthews & Platt (2008) “from 1763-1766, David Hume served at the British embassy in Paris, where he was honored by the French philosophies. He later returned to Edinburgh, where he was the leader of the Scottish Enlightenment” (p. 502). Therefore David Hume first developed his philosophy with a discussion about human nature around 1739-1740 (Matthews & Platt, 2008), which he took with him throughout his life.
According to Matthews & Platt (2008) they have stated that “David Hume begins in the critical spirit of Age of Reason and ends up advocating skepticism” (p. 502). However he followed the method of an English thinker John Locke, who believes that all ideas in the mind are first in the senses. Therefore he denies the existence of the mind, stating that is a “grab-bag” of mental images (Matthews & Platt, 2008).
However David Hume reaches his own conclusion by breaking down “ideas” into; sense impressions and mental images formed as a result of these impressions (Matthews & Platt, 2008). Therefore he believes that two worlds exits; the subjective world which can known and work with but contains no guarantee of its objective truth, and the external world which is perceived if at all, through a screen of ideas (Matthews & Platt, 2008). Thus he also links his method to “causality” which is the idea that one event in the world causes another. According to Matthews & Platt (2008) Hume stated that “cause and effect is not communicated to the mind through the senses” (p. 502). It was also know that David Hume was also controversial for his religious views and beliefs (Ma...

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...ld appear and exist in China. While the reality is that I am still sitting in my room. Your mind will tell you all kinds of things but you as an individual must be able to pick out the ones that suit you and not rely on the fact that ‘I think, therefore I am’.
Rene Descartes has influenced psychology now in this present state, because he helps you to look at the history of the different philosopher at a wider angle. Wanting to understand the history for your own self and come up with your own conclusion.

In concluding the impact of the great philosophers David Hume, Immanuel Kant, William James and Rene Descartes has greatly impacted the History of Psychology around their existence and currently to the present state of psychology. They were men of great thinkers who without a doubt have surely impacted people of their time and of this generation.

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