Essay On Corporate Board Of Directors

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The role of corporate boards of directors, more specifically, their legal duties include; duty of care, duty of good faith and duty of loyalty. According to the chapter, duty of care involves the exercise of reasonable care by a board member to ensure that the corporate executives with whom she/he works carry out their management responsibilities and comply with the law in the best interest of the corporation. While duty of good faith requires board members to be obedient to the organizations mission by making sure that their decisions are always in line with the organizations purpose. Duty of loyalty, requires faithfulness, meaning that the board member is expected to act only in the best interest of the firm resolving conflicts of interest and not think about personal gain what so ever.Also, one of the major responsibilities of board members include treating resources of the firm as a trust and to ensure that these resources are utilized in a reasonable, appropriate and legally accountable manner. This is the part where conflict of interests may arise, this generally refers to a situation in which a board member has interests that are in conflict with the best interest of the organization. These may be financial or business interests. Such issues may possibly be eliminated if board members were to own stock of the company. Only then the board members interest would be closely aligned with the firms and the stockholders interests.
Ethical and economic concerns of CEO compensation
In almost all of the recent corporate scandals, there is some underlying accusation of CEOs and other executives making off with millions even as the shareholders and other employees suffer from the particular fallout of these events. According to th...

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...aning they should do whatever it takes to meet the interest of the organization even if it puts their own personal interest is at stake. For instance as it was stated above, members of board of directors act as agent for the stockholders, CEOs are agents for the board members, accountants are agents for their clients and so on. Therefore, this principle assumes that these agents purely act in interest of others to accomplish the organizations objects. However, in reality that is hardly the case, it is part of our human nature that we are greedy and self- interested individuals. many theories have come up to solve the issue of agency problem, one argument is to link executive compensation to the firms performance, meaning that the executives only gain when the stockholders gain. another approach maintaining a strict legal foundation that restricts an agents actions.

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