Essay On Consequences Of Brand Personality

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Consequences of Brand Personality.
What can brand personality do for a brand is a major concern to firms. Therefore, marketers and scholars have focused on measuring the effects of brand personality. Previous literature confirms that brand with pleasant personality leads to positive product evaluation and brand reputation. The impact of brand personality in related studies can be categorized into three types, including brand attitude, brand attachment, and brand selection.
Brand attitude.Consumer attitude toward a brand is an essential component to assess brand value. Researchers have found that brand personality traits can influence consumer brand attitude positively. For example, Supphenllen (2004) examined the relationship between brand …show more content…

Biel, 1993; Aaker, J., 1997; Karnde et al., 1997). Researchers have found that brand personality plays a significant role in brand selection. Aaker, J. (1999) found that consumers are more likely to choose a brand with the brand personality similar to their personality. For example, a wealthy person is more willing to purchase a classic branded product that can represent his taste. Besides, brand personality is also closely correlated to brand perceived quality which can influence consumer brand selection (Beldona and Wysong, …show more content…

Brand commitment Gouteron (2008)
Table 3 above shows previous studies on consequences of brand personality. Ramaseshan and Tsao (2007) conducted an experiment on the relationship between brand personality and perceived brand quality in a tertiary institution. They chose three product types, namely symbolic product (Seiko watches and Levi’s Jeans), experiential product (Singapore airline and Shangri-La hotel), and Functional product (Colgate toothpaste and Pantene shampoo). The results found that among five personality dimensions, excitement and sophistication have a significant positive influence on perceived brand quality.
Beldona and Wysong (2007) also focused on personality and perceived quality in grocery store product categories (chocolate chip cookies and cola soft drink). After collecting data from 115 participants on 15 personality traits selected from Aaker, J.’s (1997) scale, they found that national brands have stronger brand personality compared to grocery brand, but these differences diminished when consumers have tasted and experienced the brand. The results also showed that except one trait-rough, all other traits were positively correlated with perceived

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