Essay On Chemical Engineering

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How did the world of chemical engineering start, what's the history of chemical engineering? Chemical engineering started with a man named George Davis who is credited with the concept of unit operations. Unit operations is analyzing the process of plants, such as water, petroleum, and petrochemical. They studied and made a process to move around and mix chemicals. Unit operations is the same concept of what we now know as chemical engineering. Davis was given the credit, but in 1977 a professor of chemical engineering reported that in 1880, Davis overheard a chemical manufacturer say something about chemical engineering. Although this was never proven, its still considered Davis’s idea. Chemical engineering is also the reason that the United …show more content…

The major sugar plantations in the north and south were long processed that took hard backbreaking work. A slave life would be taken for about every 2 tons of sugar(Hong Wai, 2016 pg.40). The chemical engineers changed the the process to make it shorter and less work for humans. Juice was taken out of the cane by crushing it in a three-roller mill, driven by mules or steam engines. Wooden gutters would take the juice to the house where it entered a series of flat-bottomed kettles. There the juice was repetitively boiled until it made a thick syrup. The improvements to make the process shorter helped make less backbreaking work and a more efficient …show more content…

Chemical engineers can work on many things and can impact our everyday lives. The future can hold many new opportunities for chemical engineers and can change the world. One opportunity for chemical engineers in the future is a space fuel processor. There will be companies competing and making space travel more common and the flight time will get longer, flights could start lasting days or even weeks. This would allow travel to distant planets or space stations. Chemical engineers are searching for a new source for fuel, which could be bio-refineries, hydrogen cells, or fusion technology. The source of fuel has a huge role in space travel.
Chemical engineers could also hold an important key in vertical farms. Vertical farms is a concept that is being talked about. Vertical farms will supposably increase the production rate of food.The farm would be stacked up like a tower or in the ground and would use hydroponically fed crops and artificial lightning. Chemical engineers are there to prevent any environmental damage that might come

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