Why Is Ancient Egypt A Major Civilization?

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Ancient Egypt was in fact a major civilization because Egypt had all seven indicators of civilization. The first indicator is government. Since the beginning of Ancient Egypt the person in charge was the king and sometimes the queen. In Ancient Egypt the king was known as the Pharaoh. The Egyptians did not own their own land or home. All things belonged to the Pharaoh. Egyptians allowed the

Pharaoh to own all thing for 3,000 years, they allowed this because it was involved in their religion. Egyptians believed that the Pharaoh was a god and they would rather not upset the gods. In order to keep the country in order, the Pharaoh had a lot of officials, such as royal officers and police in every town that were in track with their taxes and …show more content…

Religion in Ancient Egypt showed the many mysteries in the galaxy and was glued to their history. The priests helped keep old traditions and kept the traditions safe and secure. Ancient Egypt culture and heritage played a big part keeping Ancient Egypt in track. Egyptians are very religious and worshiped multiple gods and goddesses. They believed that the king of all the gods was Re, the sun god. Ancient Egyptians also believed that the Pharaoh was a god, and also the ruler of Ancient Egypt. All throughout Ancient Egypt, the egyptians built tiny idols, sculptures, and sanctuaries built to worship the gods,godesses, and the Pharaoh. Multiple gods and goddesses have been proven to be part animal and part human. Everyday, priests performed rituals, they also washed away their sins in the sanctuary's holy lake. Ancient Egyptian priests also scented the air with incense and dropped holy liquid in front of the idols to cleanse the space. Ancient Egyptians have often been seen wearing bracelets and necklaces with …show more content…

The Egyptians were magnificent traders. They traded gold, paper, linen, and grain for cedar wood, ebony, copper, iron, ivory, and lapis lazuli. Boats rowed up and down the River Nile, deliver goods to various harbors. Once goods were unloaded, goods were taken to various merchants by camel, cart, and on foot. Egyptians traders met traders from other civilizations just beyond the mouth of the River Nile, to trade for goods brought to them, but they did not often travel themselves much beyond the Nile River. During the Late Period much of Egyptian trade was in the hands of Phoenicians and Greeks, who had settled in the Delta. Naukratis on the west arm of the Nile was for some time the only international

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