Essay On American Belfort

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Jordan Belfort was born into a middle class family. Both of his parents were accountants and they lived an average yet comfortable life. After driving his first business venture into the ground, Belfort had plenty of debt piling up. But there was nothing to prepare him for the greed and corruption that would overcome him when he got the first taste of money as a stockbroker. This book starts out with Jordan Belfort describing his first day as a junior stockbroker at LF Rothschild on Wall Street. Set as a "connector" on the first day, he made a few striking deals that got the attention of the boss- Mark Hanna. So Hanna invited Belfort to lunch. During lunch, Hanna does not eat, instead he orders rounds of hard liquor and snorts cocaine. He offered both …show more content…

He divorced his first wife and married a former model soon after. During this time of great success, Belfort was oblivious to the snooping being done by the FBI and SEC. After being advised by a "friend" about the FBI's investigation, Belfort began looking into foreign banks. He opened one in Switzerland under his aunt-in-law's name. By the age of 32 Jordan Belfort had it all: the cars, the billion dollar house plus vacation houses, the yacht, the model wife, a child and one on the way. Life could not get better! And it didn't. Eventually the FBI caught on and after tapping into his phone calls they got the information they needed from a friend who was high off of drugs. Belfort pleaded guilty on accounts of stock fraud, tampering and minipulation, etc. and did his time in jail. Once he was released, he wrote this book and became an inspirational speaker. This book is a crazy story about a man who went from a nobody to a multimillionaire and had it all yet still wanted more. A man whose greed led him to rob millions of Americans out of their money so he could continue to live this life of abuse, excesses, and perversions. Until he got

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