Essay On Ambition In Macbeth

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Every person has something in their life that they want more than anything in the world. Most times it does not get to the point of being willing to kill to reach that goal. In the story of Macbeth, the main character is a thane who is told that his fate lies in becoming king of Scotland and is willing to do anything he can to make sure that it happens. As the play progresses, Macbeth’s character is affected by his growing ambitions, which ultimately lead to his demise when they drive him towards heartlessness, insanity and arrogance.
After the witches’ prophecy of Macbeth becoming Thane of Cawdor comes true, his ambition to be king of Scotland like the prophecy stated increases to the point where he kills Duncan, the King of Scotland, to gain the throne. Macbeth’s character strays further from loyalty and closer into the depths of cold heartedness once this scene unfolds. At the beginning of the play Macbeth is portrayed as one who listens to his wife and has a sense of wrong and right. This is shown in Act I scene vii when Lady Macbeth insists Macbeth to go through with his plans o...

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