Essay On Alchemy

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Alchemy is a form of chemical philosophy of the Middle Ages that sought to discover methods of transmuting base metals into gold and an elixir of longevity. Today, the tales of these ancient alchemists have become mainstream in both books and film. These tales conjure images of ancient Greek philosophers tirelessly trying to create the philosopher’s stone, or old bearded men debating at a meeting of the Royal Society. To many, this is the only type of alchemy that ultimately developed into modern day chemistry. This Eurocentric view, however, fails to give credit to Chinese alchemists who also sought ways to prolong life and methods of metallic transmutation. Chinese alchemy took a distinct course from later Greco-Egyptian alchemy because they blended in Taoist beliefs and ideas of balance and harmony. For example, although both western and eastern alchemy had a similar fundamental purpose, and used similar methods, Chinese alchemists were more concerned about purifying the spirit and body and creating elixirs of immortality than creating gold. Additionally, though Greek alchemists disagreed on the effectiveness between herbal and mineral pharmacy, Chinese alchemists always accepted minerals as having healing qualities because Chinese alchemy was so closely related to traditional holistic Chinese medicine. While western alchemy is obviously an integral part of history, it is also important to remember the remarkable theories and countless contributions eastern alchemy, particularly Chinese alchemy, made to the world.
Although there is an abundance of research, scholars are still uncertain of the exact origins of Chinese alchemy. It is likely that the Chinese’s belief that a drug can confer immortality stems from the ancient India...

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...image that most easily comes to mind, it does not mean it is accurate. It fails to include the many Eastern alchemists, such as the Chinese, that contributed a significant amount of knowledge to the world. While Chinese alchemy and western alchemy had similar methods and ideas, Chinese alchemy differed in that it centered more on uncovering the secret to immortality by blending in beliefs from Taoism. Eventually, they took a different course in history. Western alchemy became the main forerunner of chemistry, while Chinese alchemy took a more medicinal route. But by the 11th century CE, many had abandoned Chinese alchemy because they realized that immortality could not be found in minerals. And although Chinese alchemy transitioned into mystical pursuits, as the west would ultimately do as well, its concrete contributions, such as gunpowder, should not be forgotten.

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