Essay On Airport Security

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The need for airport security has changed drastically within the last 12 years. When you think about airport security years before, there were barely a security system you had to get through. Today, it’s a completely different story. On September 11, 2001, a terrorist group called al-Qaeda hijacked four U.S. airplanes and used them to crash into monumental buildings on the East Coast. Nearly 3,000 people were killed in this terrorist attack. This attack alerted the world A few months just after 9/11 a man named Richard Reid failed attempted to set off a bomb in his shoe on a airplane headed for Miami. Before he could ignite the bomb to set it off, people on board subdued him from doing any harm. The fact that other terrorists can still find there way through security and onto a plane proves that there must be an upgrade in security. New security systems Before September 11, 2001 airports did not have security procedures as they do now. You could walk right into the airport a couple minutes before your flight and be on time. should be updated to keep up with modern technology.Therefore, since terrorists are still managing to get through airport security after September 11, 2001, then further improvement needs to be done to the airport security to keep people safe.Nowadays you have to get at the airport hours before your flight just to make it through security. Years ago all you really had to do was walk through a metal detector and if you didn’t have a gun, you were admitted access. Passengers did not have to take their shoes or belts off, or go through a pat-down procedures. You only needed to show ID as much as identity went. Your luggage went through a short and basic screening or none at all, and you were allowed to carry shar...

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...clude, airport security may be a hassle sometimes, but it is very necessary for the safety of our people. Since terrorist were able to get past airport security before and after 9/11, it is important that we never stop improving airport security no matter how much we believe its secure enough.
September 11, 2001 opened the eyes to people showing the treat of terrorism, and the important role airport security plays in the safety of people’s lives. Airport security developed as a result. However, recent tries of terrorist attacks showed use that good is not good enough, and more should be done to better the security system. As technology progresses worldwide, so should the technology and procedures in airports. It should always change so that we are a step ahead of terrorist. Although airport security is an inconvenience, its importance surpasses all of our grumble.

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