Essay About The Second Amendment

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Did you know that every 1 of 3 home owner has reported having a gun in their household? I believe that the 2nd amendment is a great thing to have in effect. I believe it should stay in effect because it was one of the amendments our founding fathers thought was important. If it wasn’t important to them and America, they wouldn’t have put it in. I believe it is a good thing because criminals will still get them, for self protection, and guns don't kill people. The first reason I think it is good to keep is because if they are worried about bad people getting and owning a gun, getting rid of the amendment isn’t going to stop it. If they want the gun bad enough they will find a way to get it. “An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life” is a great quote to show it (Heinlein). The quote shows that the society will be correct with a gun, but one man can't ruin it by doing bad. The second reason I think that the second amendment is good is because many people need and want it for self protection. Many people use it for a way to stay safe from criminals. The other people only have a gun it their house is because the hunt. They can use it to protect their livestock or pets from predators. “The average response time of a 911 call is 23 minutes, and the response time of a 12 gauge “In order to stop guns and Christians from killing any more people, we will have to advance our agenda through means other than semantics(Guns Kill People). This quote is saying that they, Libertarians, have to stop “guns and Christians” from killing people. Unless something has recently changed, when has it only been Christians and “guns” that are killing people. Since when has a gun decided to get a mind of its own and go out and shot someone. Just as I thought,

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