Essay About The Florida Constitution

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A. What two or three things to you most like about the Florida Constitution?
The things that really stuck out to me the most in the Florida Constitution start with section 8 of article 1 “The Right to Bear Arms” I believe that is one of the most important things in the constitution it gives us the right to be able to protect ourselves against any arm harm that may come towards us at any time. I also believe that section 3 article 1 “Religious Freedom” is very important to anyone and everyone that has some kind of religion in their life, because this part of the constitution protects you to practice your beliefs, no you do not have full freedom there is separation of church and state and other things that you cannot do especially if it endangers …show more content…

Another thing that is different is the right to bear arms, Florida is a pro-gun state you can carry with a concealed permit, go to shooting ranges and practice and also with a permit carry in your car as long as your gun is unloaded and “Locked up.” In Hawaii they have the right to bear arms in their constitution but you cannot get a concealed permit here without being physically threatened or harmed that could threaten your life, also to purchase a gun in the state of Hawaii you have to purchase a permit which means more money so most people do not do it, alongside that when having a fire arm in Hawaii it is illegal to have anything for over a ten round magazine, if you are caught with anything over ten it is a felony and you will go to jail. New York on the other hand does not have the right to bear arms in their constitution at all because they not allow that unless you are law enforcement, you are not allowed to carry, …show more content…

I think that this is very important and that it should be put into the Florida Constitution for people to read, yes not many people actually read the constitution but because of classes like this one you have to and for me I have learned a lot of stuff out of the Florida constitution that hopefully someone from the next generation will have to read it also and also learn from it things they may have never

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