Essay About Muscles

702 Words2 Pages

Muscles. Unless you are a bodybuilder, you overlook them almost everyday, using them to walk, eat, and do other daily activities. Even though they seem small, muscles are probably one of the only things that help keep you alive. Let’s take a trip into muscles to see what they’re made of, different types, ways they can bend and flex, and what makes them so important in your body.

First, let's talk about what muscles are made of. Muscles contain muscle fibers, which are the building blocks of the muscle. In turn, muscle fibers are made of muscle cells.Then,if we zoom into the muscle cells you can see myofibrils, which help the cell keep itself up and move around when it’s needed. If you zoom in even further, you can see sarcomeres, which are made up of actin and myosin, 2 proteins that make the cell move.
There are two different types of muscle fibers, slow twitch, and fast twitch. Slow twitch muscle fibers are used for endurance …show more content…

First, there are skeletal muscles. Also called striated or voluntary muscles, these types of muscles are the ones you think of when you say muscles. Biceps, triceps, quadriceps, abdominals, all of them are skeletal muscles. Held together to bones by tendons, the skeletal muscles are the reason that we can move (And what you think of when I say “muscles”.). They are also the only muscle that you can control yourself, hence voluntary.
Then, there are smooth muscles. Smooth muscles are also known as involuntary muscles, as you can’t control them consciously. According to, these muscles are found in the digestive system (Specifically the stomach and esophagus.), the lungs (bronchi), and walls of blood vessels. Smooth muscles are usually used when something needs to be moved in the body, whether it was food (Stomach and esophagus) or air (bronchi). The only exception is the blood vessels, but that’s for vasodilation, where the blood vessels get bigger to allow more blood to

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