The INTJ Personality

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The Typical Traits & Life Strategies of The INTJ Personality Rachel Fremont University of The People Abstract This paper researches the typical traits of the INTJ personality type according to the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator. Additionally, I will be discussing the opposite personality of INTJ, type ESFP. I will detail two past experiences where my INTJ personality posed problems. This paper will also explore strategies that may benefit the INTJ personality type, myself included. Keywords: INTJ, ESFP, MBTI, personality type My confirmed personality type according to the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator is INTJ, which stands for; Introversion, Intuition, Thinking, and Judging. Introverted people are comfortable being alone and working on personal projects. INTJ personalities are also intuitive; they enjoy new things and focus on the big picture. Unfortunately, their intuitive ways can cause INTJ personalities to have trouble making their dreams and innovations a reality. The thinking aspect of the INTJ personality makes them good at recognizing patterns and accomplishing tasks, but they can lack social graces and can come off as uncaring. The INTJ personality enjoys making lists and to avoid rushing deadlines, which is part of their Judging aspect, but they can often miss …show more content…

Extroverted people are more socially oriented. ESFP personalities are also sensory based; remembering events as snapshots with a tendency to be pragmatic. (Martin, 1997) They are often in-tune with their feelings which can lead them to be empathetic and tactful communicators, but struggle with addressing conflict. According to The Myers and Briggs Foundation, their perceiving aspect can cause them to work in “bursts of energy”, bringing a playful aspect to work, but can cause them to be indecisive when it is most

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