Essay About Family Traditions

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Bishop Desmond Tutu wrote a knowledgeable statement about families, “You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.” (Tutu, 1986) With that being said, every family has its own unique traditions, values and beliefs. My family’s values are very broad starting from church and going to education. We believe in only drinking moderately and respecting elders. Our traditions go from cooking food and celebrating the holidays, to learning how to swim. The traditions, values and beliefs of my family may have come from very saddening family history pattern, but they have created very well adjusted offspring. Family Traditions My family has a broad range of traditions, but just a few of them are eating together during the holidays, learning how to swim and doing fireworks on the fourth of July. During the holiday season my family gets together for a number of reasons, the first being Thanksgiving and a couple of weeks later the family gets together, again to decorate the Christmas tree, but lastly everyone comes together on Christmas night. On Christmas morning, the only people in the house are my nuclear family (my mother, I, my brother Albert and my sister Zoe). But as night comes more of my extended family will come over, such as my grandmother, first cousins and aunts. Then after a while, everyone goes over to …show more content…

It all started with my grandmother because she was a preschool teacher for over 35 years. This then trickled down to my mother who is a special education teacher and finally to my aunt and cousin. Another reason education is so important to my family is because people in my family feel that having an education can change your life. My mother grew up struggling after her parents got a divorce but she went to college and got two degrees. Thus she was able to give us a better life than she had growing

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