Environmental Pollution Essay

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Environmental Pollution The population of our planet is increasing continuously. Unfortunately, the population growth has many unfavorable consequences, one of which is the pollution problem. Pollution is a process of spoiling the environment in a way that it becomes dangerous to use. Although pollution had been known to exist for a very long time (basically since people started using fire thousands of years ago), it took global proportions only since the beginning of the industrial revolution during the 19th century. With time, pollution has become one of the leading threats to our planet. Air, water, soil and sound pollution are the most prominent and dangerous types of pollution and they are known to have various destructive effects …show more content…

Obviously, the increase of the population means more trash and garbage, and the waste materials or toxic substances are absorbed by the soil then eventually passed to the rivers and oceans. Often, tons of garbage are thrown directly into the water. However, water is contaminated not only due to regular garbage disposal; factories, plants and mills are the key pollutants of the water. Air pollution contributes significantly to water pollution. Most of the air pollution that affects water comes from coal-fired power plants and industrial emissions from factories. Countries like China do not use new technologies in minimizing greenhouse gas emissions from factories and plants, and so pollution becomes one of the leading indirect causes of death. Many times the water in rivers and lakes is contaminated to such a hazardous level that it becomes prohibited from using. The wildlife of natural ecosystems is contaminated by chemicals that causes either the death of the entire ecosystems or hurts the consumers of the contaminated products (i.e. seafood, water, salt). Additionally, water is polluted by biocides used in …show more content…

It is also known as soil contamination and is a result of acid rain, polluted water, fertilizers, pesticides or other hazardous chemicals. The pollution of soil is a common thing these days, and it happens due to the human activities. With the rise of concrete buildings and roads, one part of the Earth that we rarely see is the soil. However, it is definitely very important to us. The plants that feed us grow in soil and keeping it healthy is essential to maintaining a beautiful planet. But unfortunately, like all other forms of nature, soil also suffers from

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