Environmental Law: The Precautionary Principles Of International Environmental Governance

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The system regulated by International Environmental law is constantly evolving so much that even the basic principles can have different legally status. The Environmental law is based on different principles, some very old, that have been implemented in many ways. Most of these principles can be found in international environmental agreements and through these agreements can operate.
One of that principles is the Precautionary principle. The Precautionary principle is one of the most significant and important principles even if are slowly beginning to be recognized as customary international law. This is because, this principle can be interpreted differently depending on the agreement in which it occurs but if one particular principle is adopted …show more content…

Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation.” and introduced a first meaning of the Precautionary principle. The Rio Declaration means as precautionary every action requires before that the scientific certainty has been achieved if a damage is serious or with irrevocable consequences. So, there is a relation between scientific ‘certainty’ and environmental decision-making which bring to wonder if the environmental decision-making doesn’t have to wait a scientific certainty even if there is the possibility to create greater damage to the environment. Yes, because sometimes a scientific help is necessary before acting. On the opposite side, in most of cases, a lank of scientific certainty can be used as an excuse for not acting and enforce a serious environmental …show more content…

It can be difficult to its application, but without it you couldn't acted at its best. Most of the environmental issues can be solved with a good politic of precaution from the state and one example regarding the topic about the climate change. Remember that the precautionary principle is a principle in evolving and increasingly is becoming binding on the parties of different environmental agreement. In other words, the essential way of implementing the precautionary principles is the environmental impact assessment: where the negative impacts of activities are widely recognized and proven, the principle should apply. In reality, it needs to consider that there is difference between prevention and precaution. For prevention is meant actions on objective risks and tried, while for precaution is meant actions on hypothetical risks or based on signs risk. The principle of precaution is applied not to dangers already identified, but to potential dangers, of which certain knowledge is not had yet. Regarding the international environmental law, it needs to add also the two definitions of the

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