Environmental Issues in Africa and The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility

1981 Words4 Pages


Africa is the world's second largest and most populated continent after Asia. With 1.0 billion people as of 2009 accounting for about 14.72% of the entire human population. Africa suffers from many environmental problems including deforestation, oil pollution, air pollution, and land and water pollution. This issues is as a result of new technologies leading to an increase in solid mineral mining, oil exploration, an increase in the number of plants and factories, and on the whole increase in the application of manufacturing tools. Consequently, the quality and richness of terrestrial, freshwater, and marine environments have been polluted and has declined. Other factors contributing to Africa’ environmental issues are rapid population growth (2.2 percent annually), energy consumption, overgrazing, over cultivation of lands, and globalization. This region consists mostly of developing countries and over the years, has not been concerned about environmental issues until recently. The major concern of the government for many years has been the provision of basic social amenities to the people and development. Environmental protection was similar to maintenance of natural resources, while industrial pollution control and hazardous waste management were treated as incomprehensible. Even so, environmental problems comprise one of the main challenges on the African continent today. These problems hinder Africa from making progress with regard to economic development because these issues are not fully understood and tackled accordingly. Attention is now progressively shifting from politics, wars, and poverty to how best to handle environmental issues.

Environmental issues - Africa

The impact of environmental decline on...

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...ic or social. African government needs to look into what other countries which are developed and have passed through similar problems did in order to tackle its environmental problems. The developed countries such as in Europe and America should be used a benchmark in tackling the highlighted issues. Finally, the environmental issues need regular monitoring, assessments and public reports to the state.

Works Cited

The African society. (2008). Addressing environmental problems in Africa. Available online: www.africansummit.org/publications/environment.pdf







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