Enormous Waste of Food While People Starve

585 Words2 Pages

While the world’s farmers produce enough food to feed the planet, one-third of the food produced for human consumption is not really consumed. Globally, there exists up to 1.3 billion metric tons of uneaten food very year. And in addition to that, growing and transporting that food is estimated to create 3.3 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year, which makes wasted food one of the world’s largest emission contributor.

Around the globe, 1.6 billion people have no access to refrigeration at all. In developing countries, food fails to make the journey from producers to consumers simply due to issues such as lack of refrigeration.

In the United States, wasted food is a 165 billion dollar problem. America wasted 33.79 million tons of food in 2010, an average Americans wastes 209 to 254 lbs of edible food each year. But fortunately, with the advance technology and resources we have today, there are a multiple solutions that can help decrease the amount of wasted food in the world.

Solution 1 - FreshPaper
One low-tech aid called FreshPaper have the ability exten...

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