The Importance Of Engagement In The Engagement Theory

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Engagement AB appears to struggle with trust. During initial engagement he is described as guarded. He appears not to be forthcoming about some things. AB stated things he has said has been misconstrued or misinterpreted. So he has become selective in the information he shares. He has had encounters with various service providers throughout his 15 years in care. When he appears uncomfortable he shuts down. When he believes he is being judge or degraded he becomes offensive and verbally aggressive. AB needs additional time, additional time and positive reinforcement. He needs to feel as if he has control of areas of his life. During the engagement process, one should focus on him as a person and she him as a victim of the trauma he has experience. Engagement is an approach …show more content…

First, cultural humility is not making assumptions about the client based on his or her cultural background. Related to this idea of making assumptions, cultural humility is not trying to make it seem like I understand the client’s experience (when I do not), or even assuming that I know a lot (or anything) about the client’s particular cultural experience. Second (and this is important), cultural humility is not thinking that my worldview is superior to the client’s, regardless of my training or what I “know” to be true. In explaining what cultural humility is, I will likewise discuss two broad categories. First, cultural humility involves a genuine interest in learning more about the client’s cultural background and experiences, and asks questions or requests clarification when uncertain. Second, cultural humility involves a respect and openness to cultural differences. Cultural humility respects the client’s worldview and goals take precedence. Cultural humility enhances as practitioner place themselves in situations that stretch them to engage with individuals who are culturally different from

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