Ender's Game Comparison Essay

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The truth can change a person’s entire view of a situation. Actions done in the absence of truth will be different than that same action done knowing the whole situation. In both Ender’s Game and the Hunger Games there are very many lies told by the authoritative figures that drastically change how the main characters Ender and Katniss react. Although they do both get lied to and don’t know the entire outlay of the world, how they react in these situations can be much different. Just because each character is greatly betrayed with a false truth, doesn’t mean their actions will result in the same outcome. Ender’s Game is a Science Fiction Action film produced in 2013 by Gavin Hood. The main actors in the movie are Asa Butterfield, Harrison Ford, Hailee Steinfield, and Ben Kingsley. Hunger Games is a dystopian science fiction adventure film produced in 2012 by Gary Ross. The main actors in the movie are Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, and Woody Harrelson. The basic structure of society is much different in each movie. In Ender’s Game the government is brainwashing the entire country to believe that the militaristic plan they are performing is only to defend the planet from future invasions of the aliens. In reality, they are raising an …show more content…

He was bred specifically to include characteristics that would be vital in eventually leading an entire squadron of children to fight. This born leader is typically much more effective in what he does, but doesn’t always have the ability to naturally draw others to his side. Katniss, from Hunger Games, is a situational leader. She is put in position to be a leader only because of what is happening around her. She doesn’t always have the knack of always knowing what to do as a leader, but she does have the entire country looking at her to know what to do. With help of others around her she helps succeed in leading the entire country into

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