Empathy In A Nursing Story By Tilda Shilof

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Empathy is outlined as a crucial characteristic of a helping relationship (106). In nursing practice failure of the nurse to empathize with patients situations can result in providing inadequate emotional support as well as inadequate client education. (pg 107). Empathy is essential concept to nursing practice as it allows the nurse to gain perspective in order to provide appropriate actions and interventions significant to that patient’s individual experience. In “A Nurses’ Story” the author Tilda Shilof struggles with a particularly difficult patient case and must assess her own judgments in order to provide adequate nursing care.

Empathy is defined as the ability to communicate an understanding of a client’s feelings. It is important to be successful in …show more content…

(115). In processing requests there is a request for understanding involvement, this means the nurse needs to recognize if there is a need for only what the client specifically asks for, or if further exploration of that clients need is required. (115). In empathic behaviors nurses are also required to use assiduous behaviors which include being attentive, having open posture, responding to verbal and non-verbal clues, eye contact (when appropriate), and allowing the client to express themselves. When offering the client this kind of time and attention, showing interest in issues, and clarifying issues the client feels encouraged to engage in their own healing. It is also vital for the nurse to engage in empathetic responses this helps show the client you understand how they are feeling. It is important to be aware of non-verbal clues in your client’s reactions and facial expressions. Open-ended questions also allow the client to explore and express their own feelings regarding their situation. (pg

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