Emotional Domestic Violence: Emotional Abuse And Its Effects

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Imagine being beaten day by day but not by punches or stabs but by hurtful comments that leave nothing but scars. People who are victims of emotional domestic violence may not even know it’s happening. At times the abuser may have no idea that they are even hurting anyone. In this essay I will prove that emotional abuse is just as hurtful, maybe even more harmful than any other type of abuse. Emotional abuse is any kind of abuse that is emotional rather than physical. “Emotional abuse can be elusive. It can include anything from verbal abuse and constant criticism to more subtle tactics, such as intimidation, manipulation, and refusal to ever be pleased. Some other signs of emotional domestic abuse would be domination, control, shame, accusing …show more content…

He or she will treat the victim more as a child than an adult. Aggressive abuse can also take a more indirect form and may even be described as “helping.” Criticizing, advising, offering solutions, analyzing, and questioning another person may be a sincere attempt to help. In some instances, however, these behaviors may be an attempt to belittle, control, or demean rather than help. The abuser will use a tone in their voice that will make the victim seem like the abuser is superior to them. The second type on emotional domestic abuse is denying. “Denying and invalidating emotional abuse seeks to distort or undermine the recipient’s perceptions of their world. Invalidating occurs when the abuser refuses or fails to acknowledge reality. For example, if the recipient confronts the abuser about an incident of name calling, the abuser may insist, “I never said that,” “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”(counselingcenter.illinois.edu/self-help-brochures/relationship-problems/emotional-abuse/) Withholding is another form of denying. Withholding includes refusing to listen, refusing to communicate, and emotionally withdrawing as punishment. This is what’s called the silent …show more content…

The abuse was physical and emotional. At the time I wasn’t really aware of what was really happening, but looking back on the situation I know what really went on. She would come over with bruises on her arms and legs, in tears crying to my mother, and she looked completely broken. It was clear that she was physically abused, but up until last year I have never talked about her past marriage with her. When I finally had the chance to talk to her, it brought back terrible memories for her and she was hesitant to talk about it at first. She confided in me that of course the physical pain hurt, but the emotional abuse was far worse than people would ever imagine. He would insult her, question her every move, humiliate her, and pretty much control everything she did. I asked her why would you stayed married to somebody that would constantly hurt you and put you down? At first she answered that it wasn’t that bad it was just little negative comments here and there, but as time went on the abuse worsen. He would hit her if his dinner wasn’t ready on time, if chores weren 't done correctly, or even if she was on the phone with my mom rather than talking to him. She would continue to think it was her fault because he always blamed her for anything that went wrong, and when you hear that every day you begin to believe it. It took awhile for her to realize what was happening was not right and she shouldn 't be treated

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