Elizabethan England

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During the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1, England thrived with rich invention and innovation. New ideas were exploding out of every corner. Daily life was improved with new inventions and ideas. New inventions allowed improvement and more sophisticated ways of life. The way things were done, and the amount of time they took, changed forever. England had entered, what it is referred to as, it's Golden Age. This era wouldn't have been successful without their ruthless ruler, Queen Elizabeth I. (McGeary, Johanna) Shortly before the Elizabethan era, a man named Henry VIII ruled England. Henry wanted his family to continue it's dynasty. In order to do so, he needed a son. His first wife gave birth to a girl, Mary. After she did not provide him with a son, Henry demanded a divorce. The church, however, denied him the right, as it would look bad. Outraged, Henry split England from the church, and divorced his wife. He then secretly married Anne Boleyn. Ann, like his first wife, could not provide him with a daughter, but instead gave birth to a girl, Elizabeth. Henry had Anne executed. He then remarried and his third wife finally gave him a son, Edward. (Mcgeary,Johanna) Elizabeth was born September 7th, 1533. Elizabeth grew up a very lonely child. She did, however, receive a high quality education, especially for a woman during her time period. Her tutor was Roger Aschman. He was a well-educated man, previously studying at St. John's College Cambridge. He had also taught her brother, Edward. (“Elizabethan Period”) Elizabeth's siblings beat her to the throne. Edward ruled first. He started rule at the age of nine, and died before hi sixteenth birthday. Mary was next in line. Mary was a vicious ruler. She began her rule by slaughte... ... middle of paper ... ... that playwrights, such as William Shakespeare, were able to achieve great levels of greatness. Clothing styles were changed. Food was advanced. Style was all together changed for the better. The Elizabethan era thrived with power, culture, style, and brilliance. New research helped to improve not only this era, but all life to follow. Works Cited “Elizabethan Period”. Elizabethan Research. 14 Jan. 2012 http://www.elizabethan-era.org.uk/elizabethan-period.htm Gill,N.S. “Four Humors” 2012.The New York Times Company. 17 Jan. 2012 McGeary, Johanna. “Queen Elizabeth I”. 1999. Student Research Center. 15 Jan. 2012 http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=mih&AN=2628972&site=src-live “Shakespeare Times” 1998. 16 Jan. 2012 http://www.shakespeare-online.com

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