Elements As Money: Chapter Essays: Elements As Money By Kien

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In chapter 13 of the Disappearing Spoon titled "Elements as Money" The author Kien talks about the value of the elements in terms of money and says the difference between the items that are sold more or less because of the value of it uses. It tells a myth of Midas, the king of, what is now called Turkey, Phrygia and how he had obtained the ability of being able to convert anything that would touch in gold. He was not able to control this power of his and eventually turned his own daughter into gold in a hug. Obviously, this story is not true, but there is a reason to know why these stories are told about him. After the story has been said, we are given some information about the zinc element and the affiliations between brass and copper. Then we are given a new background on …show more content…

Today, we use money from the paper that is made of cotton and coins made of zinc, copper and nickel, but back then people use metals like gold and silver as currency. The author continues to narrate stories about the good and pursuit of gold over the centuries, and how scientists and gold hunters have come up with new ways to prove real gold, and how many people trying to find gold have been frustrated. The chapter finally ends with how money means energy in the modern age. He continues to share his reign and the age of gold and bronze, seeing how the people of 3000 B.C. could not recognize the difference between bronze and other zinc metals in them. This introduced the idea of counterfeiting, which was the main relationship between the elements of this chapter. The story then moves over the gold and begins with gold rushes. Here was a very interesting story of a great gold rush in Australia, in which the gold was so easily accessible that you could only pick it up on the floor. However, once the population grew and mining became the priority along with construction to

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