Electronic Medical Record Essay

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According to Gupta and Mann, Electronic Medical Record (EMR) enables medical information to be shared in an accurate and quick way across healthcare establishments. By using EMR, healthcare providers can satisfy each patient’s unique needs in a more efficient manner, providing customized treatment. Among the benefits that can be derived from sharing medical information are the improvement of the quality of healthcare, as the treatment of patients can be accelerated, the increase of safety, as the ad hoc access to medical history of a patient can obviate possible drug allergies and reduce unnecessary side effects, the decrease of medical costs, as healthcare providers can have online access to blood tests, X-Rays and other medical information. …show more content…

proposed an efficient healthcare management solution that provides senior citizens with cloud robotic services, which offer a supportive independent living in multiple environments, namely a potential to maintain a better quality of life. Due to ageing, people are often confronting with physiological problems and disorders such as decreasing motor, sensory as well as cognitive impairments, which affect their memory in a negative way and their ability to concentrate and take decision related to daily issues. Furthermore, elderly people usually are exposed to frequent use of drugs, which can lead to the effect of polypharmacy. All these factors contribute to the increasing demand of further support that need to be given to senior people with the aim of assisting them to manage with taking medication and other healthcare requirements. Bonaccorsi et al., focuses on merging networking technology for robots with cloud computing so as to take advantage of the growth of wireless communications both outside (3G, LTE) and inside home (Wi-Fi) and recent innovations on cloud computing technologies regarding to better web-scale’s achievements. The proposed system is designed for providing continuous personalized medical support to more senior patients at the same time, regardless to the time and the location of them. The system consists of three elements: (i) companion robots, (ii) distributed sensors in the environment and (iii) a cloud platform (Bonaccorsi, Sathyakeerthy, Saffiotti, Cavallo, Dario, Fiorini,

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