Advantages Of Electronic Health Records

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Electronic health record (EHR) is a health history of an individual or a patient which is documented in specific formation into a database so that it is easily identified and tracked for a specific patient. EHRs are designed to collect and compile the information so that physician or other healthcare providers can access or share results such as laboratories and specialists, within a scope of patient’s care and abiding HIPAA policies. It also contains information such as identity details, demographics, medical and family history, history of hospitalizations, possible allergies, results of diagnostic imaging, laboratory tests as well as the identity of health professionals and medical units that have already provided healthcare in the past. Paper records are written and are often kept charts in special holders and easily accessible by any individuals or other authorized staff to quickly find the patient 's charts. Just as in …show more content…

However, differences are enormous when using both types of health records. Electronic health records assist in easily identifying a patient with demographic and other information provided. It not only assesses individuals in regards to certain parameters such as blood pressure, vaccinations, diabetic levels but alerts clinicians if the parameters fluctuate or missing of a diagnostic testing. It also allows patients to have immediate access to their own health records and provides online education to prevent any diseases ( Davis, N., & LaCour, M., 2014). EHR also contains link to send reminders and improves legibility. In a pharmaceutical industry, it also improves being able to read the doctors hand writing so prescriptions are given with the correct dose and the correct medication. Whereas in paper records pharmacists and other clinicians can easily misinterpret information which can lead to very costly mistake for patient and an

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