Election Of 2000 Essay

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The election of 2000 was a battle between Al Gore and George W Bush, in the end Bush won the presidency. Bush didn’t win the presidency till about December of 2000, the presidency is usually established in November of whichever year it is, this is because the votes were so close between Gore and Bush that they were recounted multiple times. The movie Recount is all about the election of 2000 and it says that Bush won by a difference of 1,784 votes in Florida and Gore won the popular vote by about 500,000 votes. Usually the candidates win the popular vote and the electoral vote but the winner is whoever wins the electoral vote, so it was odd that Gore won the popular vote and Bush won the electoral vote. The Gore campaign demanded for a recount but it wasn’t the easiest to pass with the Bush campaign. The ballots were …show more content…

This time it was a hand recount, so people from both parties would sit down and determine whether or not the ballot said that that person voted for Bush or Gore by which chad was pushed out. In Palm Beach, Florida they were not able to finish by the deadline which was not believable because if they were to keep counting like they were, almost non stop, then they would’ve been able to finish because they only had 1,000 more votes to count after they had already counted 46,000. What was the point of stopping? Just so Bush could win? There was eventually one more recount, this one also by hand and the deadline was by December 12th, almost a month after the presidency should’ve been decided. Toward the end of this recount Bush was only winning by only 98 electoral votes and the Supreme Court called off the recount for various reasons. I think it was because they didn’t see a point in trying to recount, wanted everything to stop, and the US just needed to appoint a

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