Elder Care Amongst Nations: Comparing and Contrasting Health Care of the Elderly in the USA, Japan, Germany, and Italy

2633 Words6 Pages


Elder Care amongst Nations 2

Aging is something that is universal, in a world where everything and everyone is so different. The way the human race ages varies physiologically, but many have the same problems such as graying hair, arthritis, fluid intelligence gets slower, and weight loss. However, not all cultures and countries have the same health care of the elderly. I will compare and contrast healthcare for the elderly in four countries, the United States, Japan, Germany, and Italy. There are similarities on how these countries care for their elderly but there are some vast differenced as well. To compare and contrast health care of these countries there are some categories that I will follow. The first thing I will give is a background of the countries cultures, then I will talk about Health Care Systems/ Health insurance offered in these countries, where the elderly live while getting their care, and law and acts that are in place to insure that care is provided to the elderly in these countries.

Countries Cultural Backgrounds

In the United States, our culture is youth centered. Aging is seen as a bad thing, and many do not want to show their age; others may feel if they are older, they may be treated differently than before. In the US it is like aging is taboo; many people on the west coast are youth driven, and the people on the east coast are more likely to respect their elders and take care of their old...

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Tediosi, F., & Gabriele, S. (n.d.). THE LONG-TERM CARE SYSTEM. http://www.ancien-longtermcare.eu/. Retrieved April 19, 2014, from http://www.ancien-longtermcare.eu/sites/default/files/ENEPRI%20_ANCIEN_%20RR%20No%2080%20Italy%20edited%20final.pdf

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