Eighteenth Century Colonial Women

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Eighteenth Century Colonial Women

In order to fully understand and analyze a period of time, a full examination of people's everyday life is quite necessary. Although inferior to men, the roles and status of women in eighteenth century colonial America, contributed to the prospering society. The role of the family and extended kinship ties in the lives of African Americans is seen as a unifying and supporting force in times of suffering.

The role and status of an eighteenth century colonial woman was clearly an overlooked responsibility. She was required to be her husband's assistant, "not his equal", but an inferior. She was expected to show her husband "reverence" and be "Submissive to his demands". If a woman did not live up to these duties, there were often severe consequences to follow. For example, 128 men were tried for abusing their wives between 1630 and 1699. As one might expect, countless other cases never made as far as court. Women "for the most part, keep at home and seldom appear in the streets, never in publick assemblies except at the churches or m...

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