Egyptian and Hittites Warfare

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Personal security of soldiers in armed combat involved developing methods of protecting the body from mortal wounds, thus increasing the survivability rate of one’s forces. The solution for Hittites was body amour and shields. The Hittites body amour was composed of overlapping bronze scales that deflected or trapped arrows. In addition, the Hittites wore bronze helmets as well to protect the head against arrows and blows from axes. For additional protection in close combat, especially from edged weapons, a shield was used to parry attacks. The Hittites favored two types of shields, the circular and figure eight, believed to be utilized by the Chariot squad. Both were lightweight, constructed of wood and overlaid with leather (Bryce (Bryce Trevor, 2007, p. 19).

The earliest recorded evidence of any organized warfare in Egypt is in 3000 BC, the war that resulted in the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under Narmer, the fist king of Egypt. But, in recent years the German Archaeological Institute has uncovered new artifacts that suggest a much earlier time period for warfare in Egypt. At the upper Egyptian site of Abydos the Institute has found so much new cultural material that a Dynasty ‘0”, (3150-3050 BC) has been created. Artifacts found Abydos and Nekhen from Dynasty “0” suggest that the Egyptians may have been engaged in some type organized warfare some 150 years before Narmer and the war of unification. Ceremonial maces and slate palettes have been found depicting violent militaristic scenes with use of the same weapons utilized by the First Dynasty (Morkot, 2003, p. xxxvi).

Through military expansion, Egypt grew over centuries and became an empire controlling most of the ancient Middle East. Its territory extended nor...

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